I also like to tinker with the RDL by lowering it to pins set at the bottom height, thus decreasing the stretch-reflex and emphasizing concentric action instead. The Romanian deadlift is generally performed from the top down: the bar is unracked with a double-overhand or mixed grip and lowered to the desired height (just below the knees, for most people), at which point the hips are forcefully extended (pushed forward) to bring the bar back up to its starting position. As a muscle lengthens, its contractile properties are increased, so long as the stretching of the muscle occurs within its physiological limits. In this article, you’ll get the full scoop on what exactly the mind-muscle connection is, when and how to use it, and what the practical applications are for powerlifters and other strength athletes. Building Strength, Core Training, Hypertrophy, Squat, Training. The SLDL & RDL Are Completely Different Movements For Difference Purposes - Duration: 5:33. The zercher hold is a challenging load placement variation for full-body movements. Specifically, the glute-ham raise had the most intense concentric activity, which is the contraction of muscles to … The glute-ham raise and RDL produced significantly more muscle activation than the other exercises. Because the movement is initiated by lowering the weight, you also get the benefits of stretch-reflex when switching from eccentric to concentric actions. A powerlifting style SLDL is different and not what he is talking about, it does not start from the top like a RDL. It is also one of the reasons why most lifters tend to lift heavier in the RDL compared to the SLDL. Researchers investigated the muscle activity of the hamstrings during the leg curl, good morning, glute-ham raise, and Romanian deadlift (RDL) and found that hamstring activity was maximized in the RDL and glute-ham raise. RELATED: Hamstring Injury Know-How. Best exercises period for hamstrings are SLDL and Good Mornings, in that order, IMO. So, Which One Should You Be Programming Into Your Training? Many coaches currently use the Romanian deadlift (RDL) for hamstrings. may be done with a deficit or normal. Since 2013, Barbara has been helping women of all fitness backgrounds get stronger, leaner and more confident, both inside and outside the gym. Half of the subjects performed one exercise first and the other half di… Both the RDL and SLDL target the same primary muscles which are the glutes, hamstrings and low back (additional work is done by the upper back and gripping muscles). This is a unique opportunity the Rangers provides to its players... ©2014 All Rights Reserved., Texas Rangers Baseball Club In order to keep the hips high and the legs straight, the bar must be kept further away from the legs, which taxes the lower back musculature to a much greater degree than the other variations. The RDL and SLDL target the same primary muscles, the glute (butt), hamstrings (back of thigh) and the lower back (additional work is done by the upper back and gripping muscles). In this blog post, a member shares their experience with navigating the powerlifting scene as part of the LGBTQ community. Both the RDL and SLDL target the same primary muscles which are the glutes, hamstrings and low back (additional work is done by the upper back and gripping muscles). Even with an increased risk of injury, the RDL remains one of the most effective tools to build a strong and powerful posterior chain (hamstrings and glutes). The SLDL is not a balancing act, it is an exercise to strengthen the leg and the hip while also helping to increase single-leg stability. From a powerlifting perspective an SLDL just starts and stops on the floor like a normal deadlift but starting with vertical shins and higher hips. Ideally SLDL is completely straight though not locked out - never lock out that would just cause injury. Choosing one lift over the other is up to your personal preference, anatomy, goals and injury history. Barbells & Babes  |  Online Coaching  |  Blog   |  Terms and Conditions, When a muscle shortens against resistance it undergoes, Because the movement is initiated by lowering the weight, you also get the benefits of, Starts from the top, employing an eccentric muscle action first, The eccentric focus allows for greater muscle damage, which can enhance strength and hypertrophy but also lead to more DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), Targets the hamstrings and glutes, with the spinal erectors stabilizing the movement, The concentric focus allows for better strength development off the floor, which can translate into greater strength gains in the conventional deadlift, Hips and shoulders start from approx. Make sure that you keep the back flat and neck in neutral position, bend at the hips, keep the knee behind toes, keep the weight close to the shin and use control when going up and down. For the study, they each performed both an SLDL and a lying leg curl. The stretch-reflex allows us to get an elastic effect at the bottom of the movement, where the muscle is fully lengthened. The Flat back position gets the job done fine, here. It activates more muscles than almost every other exercise and teaches you one of the most foundational movements in human anatomy; picking up an object off the floor. In Mid-January the Surprise Complex opens for players wanting to report early. This is when the SLDL is done with a straight working leg. some deficit SLDLs RDL the knee bends to allow your butt to go backwards. From the bottom position, exhale, flex glutes to extend hip and return to starting position. Anytime we start a lift from a dead-stop we’re relying on the muscle’s “raw” strength and power, without assistance from the stretch-reflex as seen in the RDL. You will be able to complete the final weeks of your training with the strength and conditioning staff, in addition to your baseball activity. SLDL work the hamstrings because of not bending the knees and moving from the hips, not the waist. Next bend the support leg slightly, and while keeping the back flat and head and neck in a neutral position, bend forward at the waist until the DB is just above floor. It all comes down to risk versus reward and what exactly you’re trying to achieve with either of these exercises.Â, While the SLDL is great for developing strength off the floor and targeting the low-back muscles, it also puts the lumbar spine in a very compromised position.Â. The inverse is true for eccentric contractions, which happen when a muscle lengthens under resistance. Since the RDL requires a hip hinge and slight bend in the knees the muscle recruitment will be more posterior, engaging the hamstrings, glutes, and back muscles. Some consider the RDL an assistance exercise, some believe it’s the Holy Grail for hamstrings, and others like Coach … Sorry folks, but leg curls are not a functional exercise. Your body is a 3-link chain; 1) hips and legs, 2) core and 3) shoulders, arms and hands. To perform the SLDL, hold a DB in each hand and repeat the exercise while standing on two feet with both knees slightly bent. Seek a healthcare or fitness professional for advice and clearance before attempting this exercise. Since the deadlift also requires a hip hinge but starts at a much lower level to the ground, you will first activate the quads and back before engaging the hamstrings … In addition, due to its heavy emphasis on eccentric action, the RDL is better suited for injury-prevention, strength and muscle development, increased flexibility and… well, need I say more? When looking for the edge in training, while still maintaining your health and function that will strongly translate to the playing field and your everyday life, focus on the trap-bar RDL. While the RDL and SLDL are similar in many ways, they also vary tremendously with each having unique benefits and disadvantages. Many lifters will use RDLs and Good Mornings interchangeably but this study found that RDLs are more effective at targeting both the glutes and hamstrings. This is the case in any controlled downward movement, such as lowering into the bottom position of a squat. To increase the intensity, use a heavier DB or hold a DB in each hand. SLDL are primarily a hamstring exercise, while GM's are usually thought of as a lower back movement, but both are great for both body parts. Moreover, although the SLDL is called stiff or straight-legged deadlift, that doesn’t mean you should actually lock out your knees during the lift, as this puts a lot of stress on the ligaments of the back of the knee. I have wonky hamstrings since I pulled one when sprinting a few years back so I don't much like loading them up with one movement for long so I switch all the time but getting too quad dominant can definitely lead … This combination will train the full range of motion of the hamstrings with the RDL training the lengthened position and the Lying Leg Curl training the short position. RDL Start by standing in a balanced position on one leg while holding a dumbbell in the opposite hand at hip level. The Romanian deadlift (RDL) works the muscles in the arch of the back, glutes, and hamstrings. For deadlift strength, RDL’s from the floor. This is not the most efficient technique. Not only does it have more pros than cons compared to the SLDL, it’s also easier to learn and works for virtually any body type, something that can’t be said for the stiff-legged variation. SLDL to leg curls are like comparing squats to leg presses. However, the RDL generally allows for “softer” knees compared to the SLDL. Place the opposite hand behind the back and then inhale and set the abs. There were ten participants, all well trained in resistance exercise. Here we look at the similarities and differences between these two lifts. Bar travels close to the legs/shins, almost in … Notice the distance from the bar to the hip joint. The hamstrings and lower back must work together to move the bar from the floor to the standing position. When performing the Romanian deadlift, your hips are pushed more to the rear, providing greater … Each can be performed using dumbbells (DB). As compared to the full deadlift, they involve much less knee extension, changing the amount of muscle mass and some of the basic mechanics of the deadlift. If you have any questions on how to prepare, please ask a staff member. Considering that hamstrings are made up of primarily fast twitch muscle fibers which are best trained with higher intensity levels, the RDL is one of the most effective hamstring exercises you can do. The SLDL’s starting position also puts the lifter in a huge mechanical disadvantage compared to the RDL or the conventional deadlift. When considering the stiff leg deadlift vs Romanian deadlift, which do you think offers greater muscle triggering? Our training programs offer far more than just new and exciting workouts. The straight leg dead lift (SLDL) and Romanian Dead Lift (RDL) are both excellent exercises for the glute and hamstring muscles. Form and mind-muscle link are very important. Let’s start with some basic descriptions. … In this article, I’ll discuss the main differences between the two exercises, how I coach the lifts, and when you’d opt for one over the other. This is a topic that’s difficult to generalize, as the amount of knee flexion is dependent on individual body proportions. If you’re looking to develop the posterior chain, the Romanian deadlift is the safer bet. This section is to help you understand and prepare for the rigors of the spring training schedule. Now let’s look into what makes the SLDL such a different lift from its Romanian cousin. RDL vs SLDL: Details, Cues, and Programming The RDL and SLDL are supplemental lifts for the deadlift. same height, Targets the hamstrings and spinal erectors. The RDL and Glute-Ham Raise maximized activation of the biceps femoris. In this context, one of the primary difference between the RDL and SLDL is that the RDL only works the spinal erector muscles statically , as … An important point to remember later. They had about 4.5 years of experience on average, and their average stiff-legged deadlift (SLDL) was about 300lbs, which is pretty decent. I get the feeling that if your primary motivation is hamstring development, that straight leg would be the superior path, but I ask because I don’t know. For squat assistance, SLDL’s not touching the floor with the bar. They are known as concentric and eccentric contractions. The biggest difference is in how the lower back muscles are stressed which is dictated by the correct form and technique of each movement. The straight leg dead lift (SLDL) and Romanian Dead Lift (RDL) are both excellent exercises for the glute and hamstring muscles. As you’ll see, the differences in starting position affects the execution – and merit – of each exercise. Both offer similar erector spinae activity, though, so use both for optimum strength development and use RDLs as a glute and hamstrings exercise staple in your … Her passion lies in educating, empowering and encouraging women to find out what they’re capable of, and more. The popularity of the Nordic hamstring exercise, however, has some wondering if we should move away from deadlifting altogether. Start by standing in a balanced position on one leg while holding a dumbbell in the opposite hand at hip level. It allows the lifter to control the eccentric more than they normally would with a full ROM. Training at Barbell Strength isn’t only about moving weight, it’s also about the connections you make along the way. Anytime we lift a weight, say, as we curl a dumbbell upwards, for example, our muscles must contract concentrically to produce force. Find out how to take your training up a notch while developing some serious core and upper body strength. SLDL are king of hamstring exercises as far as Im concerned. I’m aware this effectively diminishes the ability to lift heavier weights, but it also forces the lifter to use sound technique and control the eccentric even more to avoid crashing into the pins. Instead, aim to have your knees slightly less bent, and your hips at about the same height as your shoulders. For someone my height, I either have to flex my lumbar spine or bend my knees more to reach the bar in the top scenario. If the SLDL is done with more of a bent-knee hinge, it recruits more muscles and builds strength in the glutes, hamstrings, and quads, while also building balance and stability in the ankle, core, and shoulder. Each can be performed using dumbbells (DB). You can see in the above picture that my SLDL set-up involves a very similar amount of knee flexion to my RDL bottom position, something that I’ll simply never be able to change due to my anatomy. As with most things in fitness and life, it depends. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of it, let’s discuss the two different types of muscular contractions involved in these lifts. SLDL and RDL are known for specifically targeting the gluteus musculature and hamstrings . The Romanian Deadlift and Stiff (or Straight) Legged Deadlift are two movements that look nearly identical, yet each has its own unique benefits and disadvantages. Repeat for the specified number of reps on one leg and then perform a set on the opposite leg. It limits the ROM to hip extension only, effectively eliminating any rounding of the lower back. The Most Effective Way to Train HAMSTRINGS | Training Science Explained - Duration: 9:53. It's a great strength and muscle builder on its own, but also a great ancillary movement to complement the deadlift, snatch, and clean … For purely bodybuilding purposes, SLDL’s since they might be easier to learn and utilize in strictly hamstring and glute activation. When compared with three other exercises ( i.e. , leg curl, glute ham raise, and good morning), EMG research shows that RDL produces greater activity in the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and medial gastrocnemius … I say pick the hamstring exercise you enjoy the most and do it but it doesn't have to be a RDL or SLDL. This means it may not be suitable for those with a history of low back disorders, or those with insufficient core stability. Slowly lowering a heavy barbell can be a huge risk of injury to the lower-back and should be performed with caution.Â, Everything You Need to Know About the Zercher Hold. The biceps femoris long head, biceps femoris short head, semimembranosus and semitendinosus are the four muscles located on the back of the thighs that are collectively referred to as the hamstrings. Bar on the floor vs. raised on mats. These muscles are responsible for … Second, the RDL is also far more functional than leg curls. The back remains arched in the RDL. However, the RDL generally allows for “softer” knees compared to the SLDL. Of course, that may vary from person to person (maybe SLDLs have better carryover for some people; I dont know), but if I was doing a strength-oriented program like 5/3/1 then I personally would go for RDLs. The Romanian deadlift is preferable if you want a higher degree of activation for your hamstrings and glutes. Bottom position of the RDL vs. SLDL. When a muscle shortens against resistance it undergoes concentric muscle action. (Its emphasis on the hams is slightly muted because the knees remain bent throughout the movement.) A great combination for many supersets. To improve these qualities it is necessary to “build from the ground up”, by developing explosive legs, a strong and stable core (abdomen, low back, and hip girdle), strong back, stable scapula, mobile thoracic spine and strong mobile shoulders and arms. It’s because of eccentric contractions that we don’t simply allow the bar to accelerate rapidly towards the floor. Although the benefits of both exercises rely on their execution, there are modifications you can make to each to slightly alter their training effect. A Stiff-Legged deadlift, on the other hand, usually starts from a dead-stop on the floor (similar to a conventional deadlift), and involves some degree of lumbar flexion (low-back rounding). In this type of contraction, the force generated within the muscle is greater than the resistance placed on it. This partly explains why it is easier to rapidly bounce out of the bottom of a squat, as opposed to coming to a full stop before squatting back up. For instance, when it comes to the SLDL, I almost always coach lifters to elevate the bar so that it sits a couple of inches above the floor. This video is a "How To" instructional video and not intended for everyone. We plan for your long-term success. … To login click. introduction: rdl vs deadlift The deadlift is one of the most powerful exercises you could do. In this context, one of the primary difference between the RDL and SLDL is that the RDL only works the spinal erector muscles statically, as … A Romanian deadlift emphasizes eccentric muscle action in its downward phase. You want to use a knee angle that allows you to feel the deepest stretch possible right in the belly of the hamstring. In this scenario, the forces acting upon the muscle are greater than the forces generated within the muscle itself. This combination will also train the hamstrings in both of its functions, knee … The game of baseball requires strength, speed, power, endurance, core strength, agility, balance and coordination (hand/eye and hand/foot). Goodmornings vs RDL vs SLDL One of the most common questions I get on my forum over at StartingStrength.com is something along the lines of: “I want to build up my hamstrings and lower back to help with my deadlift. Romanian Deadlift is more of a hamstring exercise where you're emphasis is keeping your back straight and forcing your butt backwards. This makes the lift much easier on the back and transfers more of the load on to the hamstrings. Every body is unique, and for that reason, so should training be. By controlling the descent, we’re still exerting force, albeit not enough to overcome gravity’s pull. The rangerstrength.com program is designed with the workload of spring training in mind. It facilitates the set up, especially for taller individuals who lack the hamstring flexibility to sustain a neutral spine at the bottom position. Scottsdale Web Site Design by Artistik Designs. After reading Ian’s article, I still stand by my previous statement: “When doing SLDL’s for the HAMSTRINGS, never round your lower back!” When I’m doing my SLDL’s (which look like Romanian DL’s) - I’m thinking HAMMS first, Glutes second, and low back third! Don’t let any workout template tell you otherwise. The starting position alone tells us there’s a much greater focus on concentric action here. this is a real SLDL. Aim to work the hamstrings as much as you can. I think that SLDLs are better for hamstring development, however RDLs help my deadlift a lot more than SLDLs. Hamstring Curl Vs. Romanian Deadlifts for the Upper & Lower Hamstrings. Place the opposite hand … Moreover, although the SLDL is called stiff or straight-legged deadlift, that doesn’t mean you should actually lock out your knees during the lift, as this puts a lot of stress on the ligaments of the back of the knee. RDLs with Lying Hamstring Curl. 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