4. The exec path is /home/myname/Java_Program_folder/java-app. Hello Thanks a lot for the nice and extensive how-to. Launch Terminal Control+Alt+L 1. To remove a shortcut from the desktop, simply right-click the shortcut and select Move to Trash. still damn useful months later 🙂 – thank you. In that Customize Keyboard window, just select a hotkey from the Current keys: box, and use the Remove button to delete it. In the future, we will also speak about LXDE, Enlightenment, Openbox. 8. See also. You’ll find yourself right at home. User account menu. PCManFm automatically detects such a device when it is connected and asks if it should be opened in the file manager. Setting too many custom keyboard shortcuts can get confusing. Thank you. Then this option for opening will appear when you right click any of your shortcuts so you can edit them with the lxshortcut GUI without remembering the name. Windows 10 allows you to create custom shortcuts for any program, whether it's a traditional "desktop" app, a new-fangled "universal app" or one of Windows 8's "metro apps." bind a command to a keysym). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Date: 2015-03-14. Thanks – very handy. Eventually have you stayed on LXDE ? What is missing, what I am struggling to solve here is that when I right click my Desktop Area, I don’t get a Shortcut option to launch the “LXShortcut” tool as you show here in this article, implicitly saying that it is available to every LXDE. Do right click on LXPanel -> Panel settings -> tick "Custom color" and preferably choose brighter color with the color chooser next to it. Alternatively, you can right-click anywhere on your desktop and choose the “Shortcut” option: this will launch the “LXShortcut” tool. In the terminal, entersudo nano /etc/xdg/openbox/lxde-pi-rc.xml. Thanks much. My modern PC running Windows takes much longer to start 🙂, Pingback: desktop file can t run script in terminal - DL-UAT. And many companies making single-board computers are using LXDE as their default desktop environment. shutter -f) Gnome/Unity – Enter command. Follow these steps to have your keyboard doing exactly what you want — just be careful not to overwrite keyboard shortcuts built into programs which you might use regularly! Featuring the interface and shortcuts you can easily get used to. I’ve discovered as writing this, that Sauerbraten as I’ve compiled it looks for files via relative paths, so if I call the sauerbraten_unix binary from any other location than the directory in which it resides, then the program complains about not having a certain file. How do I do it? Browse other questions tagged keyboard-shortcuts openbox lxde window-management or ask your own question. Sometimes simple is the best. or ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml. It is a graphical Java application. Used it to add a start menu entry to the Internet section. Yeah, great! This post is great and It goes to the heart of some things I’m struggling with right now. When copying this to the .local/share/applications folder, I tried commenting out the Categories and the MimeType, in case these were causing the problem but it did not seem to have any effect. For example, If I need to run a command like “wine file.exe” a lot, then I create a shortcut in my Desktop, using the Shortcut Tool mentioned in this article, to create the shortcut with a command in it implicitly. Examples of resize window, move window, etc. I tried deleting the files in /home/pi.cache/menus and found that entries still appeared. Today we will talk about less popular, still existing desktop environments: LXDE, Enlightenment and OpenBox. Works for me. There are some missing user-friendly features in LXQt, but there are a couple of really great shortcuts. Be careful about, implementing the add-on between and . You’ve earned lots of Good Karma! The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer released last year, that runs a version of Debian called ‘Raspian’. Ubuntu Unity Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts Alt + Tab: Toggle between currently open windows. Thanks a lot for sharing this! For example, I want to run my browser when I press 7 and ScrollLock is on.. Another example is to open the tile manager when I press two or more mouse keys at once. Active community. To match the keyboard shortcuts in the Microsoft Edge DevTools for equivalent actions in Visual Studio Code, complete the following steps.. Open the Shortcuts page.. Xorg. I hope at some point to be able to do a write up as good as this in the future! Don't want something in LXDE, or don't want to use LXDE but only part of it? Close. No idea why, You could try: Exec=java -classpath /home/myname/Java_Program_folder/java-app/ MyProgram In particular I have been trying to modify the main menu on my Raspberry Pi, following the tips in section 1. Last time we spoke about the three leaders, as measured by total numbers of users: Unity, GNOME 3 and KDE. Comments. I’ve recently installed the cool hardinfo tool which is an application that lists all your computer hardware. Switch to the Shortcut tab and add a new custom shortcut Gnome/Unity – Add new custom shortcut. Clicking on this created shortcut opens file manager but then specifically opens the contents of any USB stick plugged into the RaspPi. There are several low level shortcuts that are implemented in the kernel which can be used for debugging and recovering from an unresponsive system. Thank you very much I have been looking to create another category and then multiple sub cats. Categories=FileManager;Utility;Core;GTK; Just out of interest what do these categories do? Followed your tutorial and the result is as expected. If you’re still running LXDE, or are using Openbox through some other lightweight desktop environment (DE) then you might be interested in creating custom keybindings to be able to do everything from shutting down the computer to opening your favorite Chrome app at the touch of a button. When adding the sauerbraten_unix file to the desktop menu using lxshortcut and then running it, I did not get any feedback about the error that was occurring. It’s one of the only desktop environments on Linux to make use of Qt, and not GTK. Thank you for putting this article together which is the most comprehensive guide I have found after endless searching for help on this topic. Lock PC Control+F10 1. However, not all do. Thanks. Familiar experience. I am not criticizing the author – to the contrary, it is extremelly well written. Comments. See what i had to do here to get the panel to “see” the icon Hey thanks for the great article -very useful! Unfortunately, the hardfo installer doesn’t add any menu entry in the LXDE start menu (I’m talking about the one that is displayed when you click on the button located at the bottom left of your desktop). Thanks, consistent and clear! Couldn’t find an icon for Thunderbird. I don't know how LXDE handles it. See Xorg/Keyboard configuration#Frequently used XKB options for some common shortcuts, that are disabled by default. How do I do it? Code would be: PATH=$PATH:/home/myname/Java_Program_folder/java-app. Hello again, Useful Shortcuts. Saved this for reference. I’ve now got a working set of shortcuts on my desktop. i’m looking around now for ways to add command line arguments; will add if i find out how, turns out it’s easy — the Exec line is actually just what you’d execute from a terminal window, seems like you can use most anything that would work there. PowerPoint help center I was exactly looking for this info! You are making the world a better place for everyone. I mapped the flameshot gui command onto the Print Screen key: And of course I can suspend the computer directly using Scroll Lock. It controls what buttons you push to do those things, and … This makes scripts/bins in the java-app directory executable for the session, and it would be pretty straight forward to make this a script and place it in /etc/rc.local. How can I create desktop entry that gives the behavior as if I started shell, it sourced bashrc file and then eclipse were run? Thank you. 4. In short what I am looking for is a wildcard of sorts that would replace the coded name and open any folder found beyond media/. For example, a shortcut for the /home/laurent/Documents folder would look like this: Basically, we are are just asking pcmanfm to open the “/home/laurent/Documents” folder. Very good post and self-explained. To fix it I right clicked on icon on the desktop, Click the Desktop Entry tab and Unchecked both “Execute in terminal emulator” and “Keep terminal window open after command execution”. So if you want your shortcut to be part of the LXDE ‘Accessories’ category, you need to add the ‘Categories=Utility’ property: [laurent@localhost applications]$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/hardinfo.desktop [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=Hardware info Name[en_US]=Hardware info Exec=/usr/bin/hardinfo … It really helped me, this method is so simple and it really works. This works fine when running on the desktop. Edit the file at ~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml. The rest is pretty standard. BetterTouchTool lets you map trackpad gestures to system actions, including custom keyboard shortcuts. It took me 2 hours to write it and it will only take you 2 minutes to leave a comment… what are you waiting for ? Name=Open USB Drive, #this line is what appears under icon However still no luck. So far yours is the easiest way to follow! There is no way to edit the category name (ie: “where the entry is going to be located in the menu”). A window manager is the program which draws on your screen the "boxes" in which other programs are run. You can choose what you like. The lxdegroup contains the full desktop. For instructions, go to Create a custom keyboard shortcut for Office for Mac. A lot quicker/easier to use as it’s all done through a GUI. This article continues the series about keyboard layout configuration techniques in different desktop environments, currently available for Linux distributions. – if you change the .desktop file category, you may need to logout and login again to see the change I’m using Lubuntu 16.04 and I have installed it for several of my customers. This is what I have done so far: All menu entries correspond to a .desktop file, and these .desktop files can be in one of the following locations: Creating a new menu entry simply means creating a new .desktop file. Hi Shawn, I’m not share I correctly understand your question (are you just trying to change your folder shortcut icon ?) Toggle Maximize Window. Just pay attention to the tags as these will determine where the keybindings are allowed to run. To create a folder shortcut, you need to manually create a .desktop file in the ~/Desktop folder. Window list (sticky) Super + E. PCMan File Manager. The first article was about Unity, KDE and GNOME3.The second part of series was about Xfce, Cinnamon and MATE.I also created video how-tos for this. Adding LXDE start menu entries and desktop shortcuts, Understanding file associations in LXDE and PCManFM « The skiing cube, Adding LXDE start menu categories « The skiing cube, Adding LXDE start menu sections « The skiing cube, Adding LXDE taskbar shortcuts « The skiing cube, http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html, https://lkubaski.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/adding-lxde-start-menu-sections/, desktop file can t run script in terminal - DL-UAT, Raspian – Add Menu Item – 3d0c ///////// /* /////////, Solving the "Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address" issue when starting Apache on Linux, Understanding file associations in LXDE and PCManFM, Running Android x86 on VMware player with networking enabled, How to set up Gmail to send and receive emails using your domain name (without paying anything), Connecting to the GAE development server running on another machine, Navigating in a Word 2010 document using hyperlinks and bookmarks, How Tomcat and Jetty generate the sessionId, ~/.local/share/applications (note that this folder may not exist on a brand new LXDE installation, but you can create it manually), There is no way to create a .desktop file from the LXShortcut GUI: you need to specify the filename on the command line (“-o” option). Thanks a lot for the nice and extensive how-to. (I imagine the first one was the one causing file manager to be replaced, These categories are used by LXDE to decide where your shortcut should be displayed in the LXDE start menu. This page shows you how to add or remove keyboard shortcuts for linux LXDE/Openbox. Can you offer any kind of help in this matter that is directly related to your post? Note to anyone patching a /desktop file. Solution: from the command line enter “locate | grep icon” and a list of all directories with that icon will come up. Good thing is that I have a shortcut on my desktop (shell script) where I can launch it. But you can easily decipher the basic format: The above is a keybinding I have been using for years to make it easy for me to put my desktop into suspend rather than turning it off. They are clear, concise and work flawlessly, …paul. It's best to use the ObConf utility, since it will change your desktop pager settings "on the fly." I noticed on going back into my shortcut (using Leaf) that Categories were identified as follows: I also tried re-inserting the line Categories=Graphics to see if the icon moved to a different location than accessories. To add shortcuts to the desktop, simply click the LXDE “Start” button in the lower left-hand corner, and navigate through the menu for the program you want. Attaching keys to specific commands is as easy as looking up the key’s identifier. I’m a Linux newbie! Here's a list: A - ALT C - CTRL S - Shift W - Windows Key Print - Print Screen Up / Down / Right / Left - arrow keys Prior - Pg Up Next - Pg Dn space - spacebar Home - home End - end Return - enter BackSpace - backspace EXCELLENT!! You could also edit the file that creates the PATH variable, but I’ve read that’s bad practice. You’re a complete genius. In the future, we will also speak about LXDE, Enlightenment, Openbox. Toggle window fullscreen mode Control+Alt+Delete 1. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It’s best practice to take a backup of the file before making any chances. Featuring the interface and shortcuts you can easily get used to. Look at this How to create desktop shortcut or launcher on Linux (Create a Desktop Shortcut on LXDE Desktop) and this How to customise the LXDE desktop using Lubuntu – TuKsn May 15 '14 at 14:59 Unfortunately neither of the hints helped, since t. e. my desktop won't offer "create new launcher" an right-click ... – user271850 May 15 '14 at 15:30 Is it a command line application or is it a graphical one ? Then right-click the item and select Add to Desktop. Works like a charm, thanks very much! LXDE ships with a .desktop file editor called LXShortcut. Two hours to write a “how to create a desktop shortcut” article. It uses different command line options to create (-o) and to edit (-i) .desktop files. Thought I’d share my experience with the lxshortcut GUI. Ok so I created an entry in the start menu then created a submenu but how do I add programs to the submenu? The simplest way to put an application shortcut on the desktop is to find it in the LXDE Menu, right-click and select Add to Desktop. Since .desktop files can be located in 3 different folders, which one should you use ? I suggest that you create your .desktop file in the ~/.local/share/applications folder. As regards the points above I had previously created a desktop shortcut by copying one from the menu (the one that opens file manager) to the desktop as described in step 2. It is really nice to be able to create my own LXDE .desktop shortcuts, and menu items! Of course you can search in / for files and get .bins, but I would love to have a gnome/kde like searchfunction. This article continues the series about keyboard layout configuration techniques in different desktop environments, currently available for Linux distributions. Thanks for this article. Stéfano.-. It decides what window decorations to use and gives you a way to move the windows, hide them, resize them, minimize them and close them. First, a screenshot to explain what I mean by “desktop shortcut”, “start menu section” and “start menu sub-section” (click on the image if you want to correctly see it): Adding start menu entries and/or desktop shortcuts (launchers) in LXDE is certainly not as easy as under Windows. “Utility;Core;GTK” means that you want the shortcut to appear in 3 different sections. You can then open the file in your IDE of choice. – have you tried following step #3 of my post above ? You can find the wake states of your various devices using: After some experimentation I was then able to pass: If you like the thought of setting a suspend keybinding but are running into difficulty with your wireless mouse/keyboard waking the device without your intervention, you can find more information and details on AskUbuntu and here. The Linux keyboard shortcuts Alt F9 (PC) or option F9 (Mac) will perform the Minimize action. Solution: right click on one of the shortcuts and set the “open with” property to lxshortcut -i. Custom keyboard shortcuts. Command should read “locate [file name] | grep icon”. Your blog posts have been really helpful to me as I have started packaging my first homemade Raspberry Pi program called “Mission Control”. Hope anybody can help me here. Using x2x for keyboard sharing. Now launch “lxpanelctl restart” so that LXDE picks up your changes: By default, your new menu entry is part of the ‘Other’ category. Your contribution is helping thousands of people become more proficient in the LXDE environment. Just make sure to install pm-utils first: sudo sh -c “echo XHC > /proc/acpi/wakeup”, Ruby on Rails: Boost your software design skills with Interactors, Improve and Fix Slow Magento 2 Performance Top issues, Akka Http Client- How to create a Unit Test for Http Single Request in Scala, Algorithms and Data Structures in Python: Bubble Sort and its Optimization, How to Enable User-Friendly URLs for Websites Through Apache HTTPD Server, How to check if an input is empty with CSS, Getting Straight to the Point with Scraping and Natural Language Processing. That’s where the ‘Categories’ property comes into play: valid values for this property are listed here. Tried adding an existing desktop I had creaated saving it to the home/pi/.local/share/applications folder (I first needed to select ‘show hidden files’ in file manager to find the .local/share/applications folder). Enter a Name (e.g. Launch PCManFM Alt-F1 1. What if you want to put in another category ? 2. That’s explained here: https://lkubaski.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/adding-lxde-start-menu-sections/. This is likely an issue between OpenBox and LXDE that may have appeared circa 11.07. PC: AltF9. It uses the keyboard shortcuts of the window manager it is associated with. Do right click on LXPanel -> Panel settings -> tick "Custom color" and preferably choose brighter color with the color chooser next to it. I have written recently about multiple keyboard layout settings in different Desktop Environments. Here's how. I would like to change the LXDE icon in the start menu. Exec=get_iplayer, Terminal=True – as it needs to run from within a terminal window, In lubuntu I was having a simmalar problem running “java -jar /home/dan/Documents/Minecraft/Minecraft.jar” from a .desktop launcher. Lower (10%), raise (10%), and toggle mute using the bottom three buttons on the numeric keypad: I use the Pause Break key to call up a Chrome App shortcut that launches Brain.fm: I use Flameshot for screenshots. Many thanks. I changed the Exec line to open the USB drive in the /media directory (see note below). I think you need to add the folder where the java program resides to your PATH variable. Great info. However when I rebooted, and restarted the XDE desktop, I noticed that the file manager icon next to the Start Menu (in a similar location as the taskbar in Windows) had been replaced by my ‘USB shortcut’ and File Manager had also been similarly replaced in the Accessories section accessed from the Start Menu. Ubuntu Unity Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts Alt + Tab: Toggle between currently open windows. Excellent! And many companies making single-board computers are using LXDE as their default desktop environment. Last updated: 2017-03-13. cp lxde-rc.xml lxde-rc-DDMMYY.xml. I typically just append the date as a suffix in DDMMYY format: You can then open the file in your IDE of choice. The settings in the lxde-rc.xml file are only used at startup. Great post! To quickly find a shortcut in this article, you can use Search. Oops: I used angle brackets for file name in the command line in problem 2. and they are not displaying in HTML. Where the same stick is used each time this line works, but falls down if a different one is used, since the coded reference alters. Thank you for posting this comprehensive group of Posts. I must add that I’ve never used “Raspberry Pi” before, so there may be some slight differences with what I wrote…, Hi The CREATE NEW option, when I right click the desktop, it only shows a NEW FOLDER option! Thanks. The Java program uses something like lax (Launch Anywhere). It is a java program that has been installed inside my home folder. However I have had some glitches with the process, which probably means I have overlooked something. One is the display brightness keys for laptop users, which is Ctrl + Shift + F6 or F7.Another really great one is the ability to drag windows to the side of the screen and have LXQt cycle through the available desktops until you find one you want to place that window on. LXDE specific shortcuts (10 shortcuts) Ctrl + Alt + â­¾ Tab. The only other edit I had to create to make this work was to disable wake from USB devices. Does anyone know how you would go about opening the lxde start menu using the Super key? The Overflow #41: Satisfied with your own code ... OpenSuse custom keyboard shortcuts not working. The format is detailed here or there, but you can choose to use the existing .desktop files that you have as a template. Run program by typing in executable name Super+R 1. Linux: LXDE/Openbox, Change Keyboard Shortcuts. This way, the shortcuts that you create will not impact other users. 1. Great article and exactly what I was looking for. Widget Style. I suspect a compiler flag of some kind or possibly some sort of compilation complication due to running selinux (which I have no experience with). Thinking that either one of these was probably causing the problem, I commented both lines out and re-booted – However the problem persisted. I used it to put icons on the desktop as I prefer to use a graphic utility where possible. If anyone knows how to solve this then I’d be grateful. Qt has a lot of themes available much like GTK does. To assign custom keyboard shortcuts to menu items, recorded macros, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code in PowerPoint, you must use a third-party add-in, such as Shortcut Manager for PowerPoint, which is available from OfficeOne Add-Ins for PowerPoint. This is how you can do it: Open the LXDE configuration file: Some applications on lxde will be situated in unexpected places It’s the application that is launched when you right click on a menu entry and choose the “Properties” option: However, I think that this tool sucks for creating new menu entries. Then right-click the item and select Add to Desktop. Overall it’s great but the inability to easily create a shortcut to a file or a URL is a significant shortcoming when compared to Windows. Open LXDE menu Control+Escape 1. Adding a folder shortcut on your desktop”. Customize Your Keyboard Shortcuts Thank you for this post it explains things clearly. Awesome article because although it has tons of useful information I was just dealing with a client that wanted his Lubuntu install to have desktop shortcuts of the main installed apps and you have a screenshot of explaining that by right-clicking on a menu entry and selecting “add to desktop” it will create a shortcut. I am hoping you might know the answer to the following question as have posted it in a number of forums and as yet not one appears to have an answer. Lubuntu specific bindings Action: Binding Take a screenshot: alt + print screen The following are Ubuntu Unity shortcuts, some of which work for Lubuntu as well. The lxterminal on my desktop and fix my issue. also edit the manager... You about a specific issue that I have extremelly well written, easy to understand what Openbox is. By dragging and dropping from a web browser to the shortcut and select add to desktop much like does! Of these was probably causing the problem persisted that the file in the LXDE icon in start. Layout of lxde.rc.xml you can begin adding in your IDE of choice directory, restarted computer, not. Execute command of lxterminal is lxterminal too put my PC into the suspend.! To solve this then I ’ ve read that ’ s explained here::... Configuration file it can create new option, when I right click desktop... 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