Mesozoic Era theropods ranged in size from the smallest known adult Mesozoic nonavian dinosaur, the crow-sized Microraptor, up to the great Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus, which were 15 or more metres (50 feet) long, more than 5 metres (16 to 18 feet) tall, and weighed 6 tons or more. Family Dromaeosauridae (Maniraptora) Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous. To date, scientists have identified thousands of individual dinosaur species, which can be roughly assigned to 15 major families—ranging from ankylosaurs (armored dinosaurs) to ceratopsians (horned, frilled dinosaurs) to ornithomimids ("bird mimic" dinosaurs).Below you'll find descriptions of these 15 main dinosaur types, complete with examples and links to additional information. Mesozoic Era theropods ranged in size from the smallest known adult Mesozoic nonavian dinosaur, the crow-sized Microraptor, up to the great Tyrannosaurus and Giganotosaurus, which were 15 or more metres (50 feet) long, more than 5 metres (16 to 18 feet) tall, and weighed 6 tons or more. It is widely considered to be one of the worlds earliest dinosaurs. Occasionally, for example, the Sauropodomorpha have been divided into more or fewer lower-rank categories (e.g., families, subfamilies); but the twofold division into the infraorders Sauropoda and Prosauropoda has stood the test of time and has been followed here. Late Triassic or Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. Ornithischia (/ ɔːr n ɪ ˈ θ ɪ s k i ə /) is an extinct clade of mainly herbivorous dinosaurs characterized by a pelvic structure superficially similar to that of birds. Family Hadrosauridae Late Triassic or Early Jurassic. The name Theropoda (meaning "beast feet") was first coined by O.C. Facultative bipeds; primitive forerunners of sauropods. Advanced sauropods, primarily from the southern continents. Early theropods such as Coelophysis had four fingers, with the fifth reduced to a nubbin of the metacarpal and the fourth greatly reduced. Splenial 31 19. The Yixian Formation is a geological formation in Jinzhou, Liaoning, People's Republic of China, that spans 11 million years during the early Cretaceous period. Most theropods were three-fingered, having lost all remnants of the fourth and fifth fingers. The forelimbs, on the other hand, had been modified from the primitive design and entirely divested of the functions of locomotion and body support. Late Cretaceous. Palatine 27 15. Family Protoceratopsidae Family Melanorosauridae Suborder Theropoda Primitive carnivorous dinosaurs resembling theropods; known only from South America. Coelophysis rhodesiensis X 5. They also share many other characteristics, such as a distinctive joint in the lower jaw, epipophyses on the neck vertebrae, and a unique “transition point” in the tail where the vertebrae become longer and more lightly built. Ornithischian, any member of the large taxonomic group of herbivorous dinosaurs comprising Triceratops and all dinosaurs more closely related to it than to birds. DNA achieved at elder DNA Icon620. Jugal 23 11. Family Cetiosauridae Theropods first appear in the earliest part of the Upper Triassic about 230 million years ago. Largest of the theropods and the most advanced; all with just 2 fingers. Early to Late Cretaceous. Family Compsognathidae (Coelurosauria) Early to Late Cretaceous. Scelidosaurus is the most primitive form; Scutellosaurus perhaps the most advanced. No obviously adapted herbivores are recognized in the group, but some theropods, notably the toothless oviraptorids and ornithomimids, may well have been relatively omnivorous like today’s ostriches. A final example is the recently discovered Scutellosaurus, which has been assigned by some to the Fabrosauridae (Ornithopoda) and by others to the Stegosauria. Comparison of pedal digit II of various theropods 152 81. A cladistic analysis failed to resolve its exact relationships with the other known scansoriopterygids, Epidendrosaurus and Epidexipteryx. It must be noted, however, that evolutionary affinities among all the theropod types are still being analyzed, and experts have not reached full agreement on a formal classification. The leg is also somewhat characteristic in members of this family. [citation needed]Classification. Dinosaur classification The ... and the joint connecting the lower jaw is more flexible. Noasauridae was a family of diverse theropod dinosaurs from the group Ceratosauria.They were closely related to the short-armed abelisaurids, although most noasaurids had a much more traditional body types generally similar to other theropods.Their heads, on the other hand, had unusual adaptations depending on the subfamily. It may also include the abelisaurids of South America and elsewhere, but this is not certain. Whereas these animals closely resemble dinosaurs and have many carnivorous features, they also lack a number of features present in dinosaurs, saurischians, and theropods. Their major evolutionary advantage was the progressive development of a chewing apparatus that became the most sophisticated ever developed by a reptile. Theropods were the most diverse group of saurischian (“lizard-hipped”) dinosaurs, ranging from the crow -sized Microraptor to the huge Tyrannosaurus rex, which weighed six tons or … Giganotosaurus (/ ˌ dʒ aɪ ɡ ə ˌ n oʊ t ə ˈ s ɔː r ə s / JY-gə-NOH-tə-SOR-əs) is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Argentina, during the early Cenomanian age of the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 98 to 97 million years ago.The holotype specimen was discovered in the Candeleros Formation of Patagonia in 1993, and is almost 70% complete. Edmontosaurus, Corythosaurus, and Lambeosaurus are well known. specialized dentition. The Eoraptor lived during the late Triassic Period, around 230 to 190 million years ago (mya), and is believed to resemble the ancestor of all dinosaurs. Small to medium-size, hollow-boned carnivores. "Osteology of Deinonychus antirrhopus, an unusual theropod from the Lower Cretaceous of Montana". Infraorder Ceratosauria Late Cretaceous. The bones of the lower jaws were not firmly joined; to each other and perhaps this resisted some of the stress involved in biting moving prey (Fastovsky, 1996). Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. The phylogenetic classification of theropods follows the results of the cladistic analyses obtained by Sues et al. The question of whether all theropods or even all dinosaurs were warm blooded is still undecided. Ornithopods are the infraorder of bird-hipped dinosaurs.They started out as small, bipedal running grazers, and grew in size and numbers until they became one of the most successful groups of herbivores in the Cretaceous world. Theropods may be defined as birds and all saurischians more closely related to birds than to sauropods. Ornithischia, meaning 'bird hip joint' in Greek, is one of two classification orders used to distinguish and classify dinosaurs, the other being Saurischia.The name is derived from the method used to classify the animals, as dinosaurs classified under the ornithischia branch are done so because of their bird-like hip structure, which evolved from the "lizard-hipped" saurischians. This group includes all the known carnivorous dinosaurs as well as the birds. Spinosauridae (or spinosaurids, meaning "spined reptiles") is a family of theropod dinosaurs comprising up to thirteen known genera.They came into prominence during the Cretaceous period.Spinosaurid fossils have been recovered worldwide, including Africa, Europe, South America, Asia, and possibly Australia.Their remains have generally been attributed to the Early to Mid Cretaceous. One aspect of Mesozoic birds and other theropods that doesn't get discussed much are their bills. Kirkpatrick ... and some theropods are known to have had feathers. Primitive large theropods; often 4-fingered. Marsh initially named Theropoda as a suborder to include the family Allosauridae, but later expanded its scope, re-ranking it as an order to include a wide array of "carnivorous" dinosaur families, including Megalosaurid… You must however, survive 10 days as any kind of herbivore before you can have this creature. One common classification lists the following: Suborder Theropoda, Infraorder Ceratosauria, Clade Tetanurae, Infraorder Carnosauria, Clade Coelurosauria, Infraorder Ornithomimosauria, Clade Maniraptora, and so on. That arrangement did recognize certain distinctive anatomic features such as large heads and short necks in the Carnosauria and small heads and long necks in the Coelurosauria. Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. Carnosauria was originally used as a general term for all of the big theropods, including the elusive and quite possibly non-existent, Megalosaurus, the Snark of dinosaurs.In the 1920's Huene suggested that, despite its position as the biggest and baddest theropod, Tyrannosaurus looked a lot more as if it belonged with the "small" theropods, the Coelurosauria. Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. Spinosauridae (or spinosaurids, meaning "spined reptiles") is a family of theropod dinosaurs comprising up to thirteen known genera.They came into prominence during the Cretaceous period.Spinosaurid fossils have been recovered worldwide, including Africa, Europe, South America, Asia, and possibly Australia.Their remains have generally been attributed to the Early to Mid Cretaceous. Family Camarasauridae Ornithischian, any member of the large taxonomic group of herbivorous dinosaurs comprising Triceratops and all dinosaurs more closely related to it than to birds. The Spinosaurus is green with a large sail and yellow underside. The jaws of theropods are noted for their complement of sharp, bladelike teeth. Marsh in 1881. or spoon-shaped. Earliest and most primitive of the ornithopods; small and often hollow-boned. Advanced quadrupedal ceratopsians, with prominent horns and frills. The name Theropoda (meaning \"beast feet\") was first coined by O.C. Infraorder Sauropoda Carnosauria. Advanced ankylosaurs such as Euoplocephalus and Ankylosaurus. (2011) for non-neotheropod Theropoda, Smith et al. Early to Late Cretaceous. Podokesauridae X 9. Primitive quadrupedal ceratopsians, with short frills and very modest horns. Name bearer is Staurikosaurus. It is based on parts of the upper and lower jaws (maxilla and dentary), both of which have resemblances to both Ceratosaurus and Megalosaurus bucklandii. Neovenator (nee-o-ven-a-tor), which means "new hunter", is a genus of allosauroid dinosaur.At the time of its discovery on the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, it was the best-known large carnivorous dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous period (Hauterivian to Barremian stages) of what is now Europe. The phylogenetic classification of theropods follows the results of the cladistic analyses obtained by Sues et al. Theropods first appear during the Carnian age of the Late Triassic about 220 million years ago (mya) and were the sole large terrestrial carnivores from the Early Jurassic until the close of the Cretaceous, about 65 million years ago. The legs were long, the arms relatively short, and the tail very long. Reconstruction of the palate 15 6. Scutellosaurus might well represent an evolutionary link between the ornithopods and the later stegosaurs or ankylosaurs. Moderate-size sauropods; relatively short necks and tails for this infraorder; teeth spatulate Below are reported all the theropod dinosaur species present on this wiki so far. Theropod relationships are in a constant state of flux — new finds and analyses are frequently overturning old ideas. Although they were primarily carnivorous, a number of theropod families evolved herbivory during the Cretaceous Period. Includes the primitive theropods such as Ceratosaurus, Coelophysis, and Syntarsus. Family Ceratopsidae Dinosaur classification - Evolutionary Tree of Dinosaurs Dinosaurs evolved during the Mesozoic Era from about 251 million years ago (Ma) to 65.5 million years ago. Saurischia is split into two large lineages, the giant, plant-eating sauropodomorphs and the medium to small-sized theropods. The hands typically featured long, flexible fingers with pronounced, often strongly curved claws, which bore sharp piercing talons. Philip J. Currie considers it likely and probable that all coelurosaurs were feathered. Reconstruction of lower jaw, internal view 29 17. More advanced and better-known large sauropods; highly excavated vertebrae. Best known is Allosaurus. It remains probable that the features they seem to share with theropod dinosaurs are simply primitive and related to carnivory, the general habit of archosaurs. Postorbital .. 21 9. Medium to large ornithopods, with the first stages of specialized grinding dentition. Ectopterygoid 26 14. Because no other theropod had such structures, these were apparently not necessary for any physiological function and so are thought to have been for display or species recognition. Theropoda (theropod /ˈθɛrəpɒd/; suborder name Theropoda /θɨˈrɒpɵdə/, from Greek meaning "beast feet") is both a suborder of bipedal saurischian dinosaurs, and a clade consisting of that suborder and its descendants (including modern birds). Likewise, previous classifications divided the suborder Theropoda into two infraorders, the Carnosauria and the Coelurosauria. Acrocanthosaurus was one of the largest theropods, reaching 11.5 meters (38 ft) in length, and weighing up to 6.2 metric tons (6.8 short tons). This separation of function between fore and hind limbs was a feature of the first dinosaurs. Marsh initially named Theropoda as a suborder to include the family Allosauridae, but later expanded its scope, re-ranking it as an order to include a wide array of \"carnivorous\" dinosaur families, including Megalosauridae, Compsognathidae, Ornithomimidae, Plateosauridae and Anchisauridae (now known to be herbivorous prosauropods) and Hallopodidae (now known to be relatives of crocodilians). Oviraptor is the best-known example. Tyrannosaurus was for many decades the largest theropod and best-known to the general public. Segnosauria, and Carnosauria—that are at a higher level than the families of this infraorder. (2011) for non-neotheropod Theropoda, Smith et al. The tibia (large innermost bone of the lower leg) was flattened from the front near the foot, although it was rounded further up the leg. Coelophysis bauri X 3. All the carnivorous dinosaurs except the staurikosaurs; obligatory bipeds. Advanced stegosaurs, usually with well-developed back plates and spines. The odd Mononykus lost even its second finger, retaining only a bizarre thumb. Late Jurassic. Family Psittacosauridae Family Titanosauridae The Late Triassic Coelophysis, about 1.5 meters long, is generally regarded as an archetypal primitive theropod. Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. Family Troodontidae (Maniraptora) 4. Late Triassic to Late Jurassic. Murusraptor barroacnsis Late Cretaceous. Primitive stegosaurs, with less well-developed back plates. Coelophysis arizonensis X 2. The Yellow Cat Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation (Early Cretaceous, Barremian?) Infraorder Tetanurae Best examples are Heterodontosaurus and the primitive Pisanosaurus. Dinosaur classification is the way that scientists determine what are dnosaurs, and how to group them. Let's take a look at the major groups of theropods.... Theropod classification Hind limbs were either very robust and of graviportal (weight-bearing) proportions, as in Allosaurus, Megalosaurus, and the tyrannosaurids, or very slender, elongated, and of cursorial (adapted for running) proportions, as in Coelurus, Coelophysis, Ornitholestes, and the ornithomimids. Family Hypsilophodontidae Tyrannosaur teeth differed in having a rounder, less-compressed cross section, better adapted to puncture flesh and tear it from bone. The lower legs show some similarities to sauropods and the ilium and ischium of Herrerasaurus are similar to … Although in the early cladistic classifications they were included under the Ceratosauria and considered a side-branch of more advanced ... Ostrom, J.H. Proto-theropods. to large size. Infraorder Ceratopsia Family Tyrannosauridae (Carnosauria) It has a long neck and a long, low head with numerous small, sharp, recurved teeth. Marsh in 1881. In old sources, this term included all large theropods, from Tyrannosaurus to Allosaurus, from Ceratosaurus to Megalosaurus, to Baryonyx, Spinosaurus, and sometimes even Dilophosaurus. Although they were primarily carnivorous, a number of theropod families evolved herbivory, during the Cretaceous Period. Family Brachiosauridae Troodontid teeth had recurved serrations slightly larger than those typical of theropods. The whole foot was supported by the toes (digitigrade), with the “heel” elevated well above the ground. Ancestral and most primitive of the ceratopsians; represented by the hornless and bipedal Psittacosaurus. Although the first theropods, sauropodomorphs, and ornithischians were all bipedal, only theropods remained exclusively so. Camarasaurus and Morosaurus are typical. In nearly all theropods these laterally compressed blades had serrations along the rear edge and often along the front edge as well. Beaks or beak-like structures (generally, rhamphotheca) have a wide but extremely spotty distribution among Mesozoic theropods, and numerous theropod groups seem to have evolved them independently of one another. Such structures indicate that today’s birds very likely evolved from theropod dinosaurs. Family Megalosauridae (Carnosauria) Primitive ankylosaurs, usually with less completely developed armour. bone of the jaw. The bird-hipped, herbivorous dinosaurs; characterized by the diagnostic predentary But great numbers of theropod discoveries around the world in the past several decades have blurred those anatomic distinctions and reduced the importance of size as a diagnostic criterion. Find out what different types of dinosaur species there are - and how they are grouped Scientists use some basic rules to decide which ancient creatures are dinosaurs. Coelophysis kayentakatae X 4. Suborder Cerapoda Primitive and poorly studied sauropods such as Cetiosaurus; specimens mostly from the Old World; vertebrae well-excavated to lighten bone weight. Liliensternus X 6. Zupaysaurus X Science Marches On however, and now “carnosaur" has a much narrower meaning, indicating only the natural lineage … Family Anchisauridae Family Oviraptoridae (Maniraptora) In stance and gait, theropods were obligatory bipeds. Examples are Titanosaurus and Alamosaurus. We will begin with a word about its meanings. In the classification adopted here, the theropods are divided into two infraorders, the Ceratosauria and the Tetanurae. Nodosaurus, Hylaeosaurus, and Sauropelta are well-known kinds. Neotheropoda (meaning "new theropods") is a clade that includes coelophysoids and more advanced theropod dinosaurs, and is the only group of theropods that survived the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event.All neotheropods became extinct during the early Jurassic period except for Averostra. Late Cretaceous. Large to gigantic obligatory quadrupeds; all herbivorous. Herrerasaurus and several fragmentary taxa from South America, including Staurikosaurus and Ischisaurus, from the Middle to Late Triassic of Argentina are carnivores that have often been included in the Dinosauria, specifically in Theropoda. Early to Late Cretaceous. Pterygoid 25 13. The ornithischians (meaning “bird-hipped”) are one of the two major groups of dinosaurs, the other being the saurischians. Navigate parenthood with the help of the Raising Curious Learners podcast. Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. Reconstruction of lower jaw, internal view 29 17. The ornithischians (meaning “bird-hipped”) are one of the two major groups of dinosaurs, the other being the saurischians. Within the order Ornithischia, two distinct subdivisions are generally given equal rank, currently as the suborders Cerapoda and Thyreophora. Brachiosaurus is the most famous. More advanced small to medium-size ornithopods, with only a suggestion of Megalosaurus is the best known. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. All other theropods are grouped here into the five subcategories Coelurosauria, Ornithomimosauria, Maniraptora (previously Deinonychosauria), Segnosauria, and Carnosauria. In the classification adopted here, the theropods are divided into two infraorders, the Ceratosauria and the Tetanurae. Classification: Animalia, Chordata, Vertebrata, Dinosauria, Theropoda, Tetanura Stratigraphy: Hanson Formation, lower Ferrar Group, Pliensbachian Stage, Lower Jurassic Locality: Mt. Dilophosaurus, from the Early Jurassic Period (200 million to 176 million years ago), is considerably larger (about 4 metres total length) and is distinguished by a pair of thin bony crests running along the top of the skull. Quadratojugal 24 12. Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Hundreds of Indian Late Cretaceous sauropod and theropod nests, eggs and eggshells have been recorded from a specific lithologic unit (Lameta Limestone) at Jabalpur, Bagh, Kheda–Panchmahal and … The reptile-hipped dinosaurs. Most theropods had sharp, recurved teeth useful for eating flesh, and claws were present on the ends of all of the fingers and toes. Examples are Tyrannosaurus, Tarbosaurus, and Albertosaurus. Some theropods, such as most ornithomimids and oviraptorids, had lost most or all of their teeth. Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. The former included all the larger animals and the latter all the smaller kinds. Angular 32 20. Family Allosauridae (Carnosauria) In the analysis the Scansoriopterygidae was recovered as the most basal clade of the Paraves. The biggest carnivorous dinosaurs of all time, Spinosaurus aegypticus (spined lizard), commonly called the Spino, is a top pick for people that just want to be a large carnivore. Late Cretaceous. More advanced small ornithopods, with the beginnings of specialized dentition. They have a carnivorous dentition and large, recurved claws on the fingers. This group includes basal theropods such as Dilophosaurus and Coelophysis. Theropods ('beast foot') are a group of bipedal saurischian dinosaurs. Advanced; smallest of the theropods; all known specimens 2-fingered. Family Diplodocidae Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. Small, toothless theropods with an odd skull form; perhaps related to the ornithomimids. Lachrymal 20 8. a massively thick bony skull roof; bipedal. Yi was placed in the Scansoriopterygidae, a group of maniraptoran theropods. Archaeopteryx and other basal birds had narrow-waisted teeth with greatly reduced serrations or none at all. Middle to Late Triassic. Originally it seemmd as if, as with Ceratosaurus and Megalosaurs, this was a "living fossil" a persistantly primitive form existing alongside more advanced theropods for millions of years. Originally thought to be a natural group, Ceratosauria, as traditionally constituted, may represent a more general grouping of basal theropods, including the ancestral stock of most later theropods. Suborder Staurikosauria? Due to th… Ceratosauria includes Ceratosaurus and all theropods more closely related to it than to birds. The classification of dinosaurs changes frequently as scientists find different ways to organize the relationships among different taxa, or groups. Vomers 28 16. There is no evidence that Dilophosaurus spat venom. One common classification lists the following: Suborder Theropoda, Infraorder Ceratosauria, Clade Tetanurae, Infraorder Carnosauria, Clade Coelurosauria, Infraorder Ornithomimosauria, Clade Maniraptora, and so on. The plated and armoured dinosaurs. Best known is Fabrosaurus. 1. Maxilla, premaxilla and nasal 17 7. Family Stegosauridae The name Ornithischia, or "bird-hipped", reflects this similarity and is derived from the Greek stem ornith-(ὀρνιθ-), meaning "of a bird", and ischion (ἴσχιον), plural ischia, meaning "hip joint". Family Fabrosauridae Fossil remains are often difficult to interpret, especially when only a few fragmentary specimens of a type have been found. Theropods were the most diverse group of saurischian (“lizard-hipped”) dinosaurs, ranging from the crow-sized Microraptor to the huge Tyrannosaurus rex, … Order Ornithischia Their bodies conformed to a common shape in which the hind legs were dominant and designed for support and locomotion. Squamosal , 22 10. Occasionally, for example, the Sauropodomorpha have been divided into more or fewer lower-rank categories (e.g., families, subfamilies), and the suborder Theropoda has been divided into two infraorders, the Carnosauria and the Coelurosauria. Classification. Coelurosauria is a subgroup of theropod dinosaurs that includes compsognathids, tyrannosaurs, ornithomimosaurs, and maniraptorans; Maniraptora includes birds, the only known dinosaur group alive today.. In recent years a series of unusually well-preserved theropod dinosaurs have been discovered in deposits from the Early Cretaceous Period (146 million to 100 million years ago) in Liaoning province, China. Posted in 1993 ; medium to large ornithopods, with short frills theropods lower classifications very modest horns four fingers with... Family Tyrannosauridae ( Carnosauria ) more advanced and better-known large sauropods ; relatively short necks and tails this. 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